

2015: Blumatix
Freelancer HTML5 Programmer

2014: Kitz Panorama
Freelancer Website with Booking System

2013: Brimborium
Freelancer Flash Application with PHP Backend

2012: Serious Games Solution
Freelancer Gameplay Programmer

2011: Yoone UG
Internship Gameplay Programmer

2011: Skylotec , Alpine , Palfinger , Doka
Freelancer Gameplay Programmer

2007: BlueChip
Internship Web Developer


2012 – 2015: University of Applied Science
Master of Science in Engineering

2009 – 2012: University of Applied Science
Bachelor of Science in Engineering


2014: The Family Choice Award 2014
Ritter Rost

2013: The Game of the Month April by the Internet-ABC
Ritter Rost



C++, C#, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, ActionScript 2.0, 3.0,TypeScript, HTML, CSS, XML

Game Engines/Frameworks

Unity (5+ years experience), OpenFrameworks, Ogre, OpenGL, OpenCV, Bullet, Boost, jQuery, Ajax, AngularJS, RequireJS, SVN, GIT

Software Engineering

Agile Software Development, Scrum, Object Orientated Design, Extreme Programming, Leadership/Management

Spoken Languages

German: Mother Tongue
English: Excellent Knowledge
Italian: Basic Knowledge

Academic Theses

2015: Master Thesis
“Rivalry AI: A Motivating and Socially Interactive Non Playing Character”

2012: Bachelor Thesis
“Implementing an AI opponent with adaptive degree of difficulty”

2011: Bachelor Thesis
“Implementation of an physically correct moving Buggy”